protecting our home for the next generation.
The island is our home and we want to protect what is so special about it. We think there is a balance of being able to operate our businesses, whilst hopefully providing a future for our children. The balance is protecting what we as a community value so much. The environment and way of life on Flinders. Our mission is to support small numbers of yearly visitors, while providing a high quality product.
The Flinders Wharf is home to a large amount of solar panels that dramatically reduces our overall power usage. We are pleased to be able to work with our solar technician and Hydro to play a part in generating power that goes back into the grid.
This season we are taking our waste management plan to a new level. This includes;
Cans- recycled through the school
Glass- tip- we hope there will be more glass crushing on the island.
Cardboard- weed matting in our gardens
General waste (very limited)- Whitemark tip
Food scrapes- chooks, dogs and wormfarm