our island tips.
be prepared.
It is really important to understand that we are on a small remote island with a small population. All of our businesses have restricted opening hours and it is definitely worth checking these before you arrive. Please be prepared and organised with your supplies, this will make your stay a lot smoother. Please also be nice to the locals and business owners.
phone service.
Telstra are the ONLY service provider on the Island. Flinders has just had a large Telstra upgrade which means service is really good. There are only a few black spots but overall it is working well. If you are using another provider you can login at The Flinders Wharf to our guest wifi and use the data to send messages and make calls. With the improved service, there are now more opportunities to work remotely from Flinders Island.
The Whitemark IGA Supermarket is our main business to buy supplies, Business hours are 9-5:30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday 9-12pm. Please note they are NOT open on Sunday.
There is a fuel station in Whitemark that is open 24/7 and operates with a credit card.
Flinders Island is known for its locals and if you want to fit in you have to master the ‘Island Wave’. Everyone waves to each other when driving. Please check out the video below.
If you ever require the Doctor’s services please call them on 03 6359 2011. For Emergencies please call the Hospital MPC on 03 6359 0200.
parks & wildlife.
Parks and Wildlife look after all of the National Parks and Crown land. There are two National Parks in the Furneaux Region. They are Mount Strzelecki Range and Deal Island. There are numerous free BBQ facilities and toilets located in amazing spots around the Island. Please make sure if you use one of these, please clean up after yourselves,
There can be a lot of wildlife on the roads, especially around dawn and dusk. We recommend to take care when driving at night or plan around this.
Although there are no taxi’s on the Island there are some people available to do transfers. John Davidson 0418 386 640 & Gerard Walker 0447 896 541 (bus)
what to pack.
Pack for all seasons. Although the temperature is milder than Mainland Tasmania, we can have four seasons in a day. As Flinders Island is located on the Roaring 40’s, it can get windy.